Flea Treatments

Killing Fleas With Isopropyl Alcohol, Is It Safe ?

Alcohol, also known as isopropyl alcohol is a powerful disinfectant, that’s why many pet owners rely on it to kill fleas.

Due to its germ-killing properties, isopropyl alcohol can be used as a flea treatment since it is capable of killing fleas in your house or on your dog, but should you rub alcohol on your pet’s fur? The answer is NO.

Dealing with a flea infestation can be very frustrating, but you should avoid using harmful flea treatments for the sake of your beloved pooch, here are some reasons why rubbing your pet’s skin with alcohol is a bad idea.

Isopropyl alcohol is poisonous to pets.

It’s a bad idea to spray isopropyl alcohol onto your dog’s fur because the solution can be easily absorbed through the skin, and that is poisonous for your pet especially if large amounts of the toxic chemical are absorbed.

Please keep in mind that many flea sprays in the market contain isopropyl alcohol, a light spritz is okay, but repeat-spraying or over-spraying is noxious.

What if your dog licks the alcohol?

If your dog ingests alcohol, the consequences will be even worse, symptoms of poisoning like vomiting, diarrhea, shaking, shortness of breath, stumbling and disorientation will begin within 30 minutes, and they can be fatal if left untreated.

Alcohol is combustible

Spraying isopropyl alcohol on your furniture, carpets, rugs, or any upholstered items susceptible to contain fleas can lead to a fire incident.

You should avoid using alcohol or flea sprays that contain flammable liquids, especially if open flames such as candle, cigarettes, or fireplaces are nearby.

In addition, before using Flea sprays that contain isopropyl alcohol, make sure that the room is well-ventilated and there are no open flames nearby, moreover, read the instructions carefully to ensure your safety as well as your pet’s.

Now that you understand that using alcohol to kill fleas is a bad idea and it’s harmful to your dog;

What’s the best and safest flea treatments?

Flea control is a hard task, and specialists recommend using different treatments to get better results.

To treat your dog from fleas completely, we suggest using the best oral flea treatment for dogs.

Alternative Flea Treatments

Bath the puppy

Use anti-flea shampoo or natural shampoo to wash the puppy. By no means use human or maybe toddler shampoos as they have a special ph that is needed for healthy pet skin.

Bathing helps to eliminate most fleas and ought to be used because bathing is the first line of treatment to be used for flea bites on cats and dogs.

Usually, start with the pet’s head after that, wash the remaining regions. This ensures killing all of the fleas.

Administer anti-hypersensitive reaction remedy

You could deliver your puppy some Benadryl or every other antihistamine to help lessen itchiness, swelling, or pain accompanying the bite.

Apply calendula ointment or aloe vera gel

Applying a few calendulas based ointment can help relieve the itch accompanying a flea bite. Instead, open the leaf of an aloe vera plant, take out the sticky gel from internal and rub it on the pet’s bitten place. Aloe vera has soothing residences to help counter itchiness and ache or swelling.

Apply diluted apple cider vinegar to your pet’s coat

Dilute ACV with some water and use it for wiping the pets’ coat. The vinegar enables repel fleas, and its antiseptic homes reduce the hazard of skin infections following flea bites.

Use topical antiseptic or antibiotic cream

Topical antiseptic lotions can lower the chances of skin infections and also assist and soothe the pores and skin.

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About the author

Walter Perez

My name is Walter, and I'm a huge dog lover, I have made this blog to share my experience and help dog owners make better decisions in term of improving the quality of their pet's life. I have shared my life with pets since childhood, and I currently own a golden retriever named Bailey.

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